
How to become a ninja
To become a ninja head on over to the dojo when you arrive Sensei appears on your screen
"Greetings Ninja. Train here in the ancient art of Card-jitsu" click the arrow.
"Use these cards to master Fire, Water, and snow." click the arrow.
"This Amulet is a symbol of your ninja triumphs. You are ready. Begin." click done
after you click done these 4 items will be added to you inventory you can't use them for anything tho there just there after you click done enter the dojo
to earn your ninja belts play card-jitsu which is right there when you enter you can not play card-jitsu fire, snow, or water until you have earned your black belt (note: in order to earn your amulet you must beat sensei in a game of Card-Jitsu you can so that by walking over to him and challenging him)
How to become a Fire Ninja
After you have earned your black belt in Card-Jitsu Sensei will reward you with an amulet.
To become a fire ninja head over to the doors with the fire symbol on it and play Card-Jitsu fire and you will earn your fire suit.
After you have earned the fire shoes, suit, mask, and helmet you can walk up to sensei and challenge him in a game of Card-Jitsu fire when you beat him he will reward you with the fire gem what goes on your amulet
How to become a Water Ninja
To become a water ninja enter the dojo and go through the doors with the water symbol to earn your water suit play Card-Jitsu water 
after you have earned your water shoes, suit, mask, and helmet you can talk to sensei and challenge him in a Card-Jitsu water battle after you have beat him he will award you with your water gem that goes on your amulet
How to become a Snow Ninja
To become a snow ninja enter the dojo and go to the doors with the snow symbol 
click the bridge and you will enter the game there are more 24 items to earn in this game halfway through your journey you will earn the snow gem for your amulet and you will also have to defeat tusk an old friend of sensei to earn a special item
How to become a Tour Guide
When your penguin is 46 days old you can take the tour guide quiz located at the Ski Village lucky for you i have all the questions and answers that will get you your tour guide hat the first time you try

Q: Which color puffle can catch on fire?
A: Black

Q: What item is thrown out of the truck in level 4 of bean counter?
A: A flower pot

Q: How do you get a pin?
A:Click on it

Q:What is the name of the big fish in ice fishing 
A: Mullet

Q: Which room had a cuckoo clock?
A: Ski lodge

Q: How does the Pink Puffle play?
A: Skips with a skipping rope

Q: How many sled racing tracks are there?
A: 4

Q: What item is always hidden in the clothing catalog every month?
A: The Viking Helmet

Q: In what room can you find old copies of the Penguin Times?
A: Boiler Room

Q: Which of these rooms doesn't have music in the background?
A: Pet Shop

Q: How many coins does it cost to buy a player card background?
A: 60

Q: What is the name of Captain Rockhopper's ship?
A: The Migrator 

Q: Which of these games has a shark in it?
A: Jet Pack Adventure

Q: Which of these rooms does NOT have a game in it?
A: Beach

Q: What day does the newspaper come out?
A: Thursday

How to become a Puffle Expert
to become a puffle expert head to the puffle hotel which is located in the plaza but before you enter you must have a puffle with you member can have any color non member can pick from blue and red
now that you have entered the puffle hotel you can click the board by the rainbow puffle fountain or the icon on the bottom right hand corner
you have to complete 4 different task to unlock coins and items and if you a member you can collect the coins plus the items and even adopt a rainbow puffle but if you a non member you can only collect the coins you can do each task every 20 minutes
How to become an EPF Agent
To become an EPF Agent head to the Ski Village and enter the Everyday Photoing Facility 
when you enter the facility click the phone booth
then when you click it The Director pops up and says '(Your Penguin Name), the island needs you. Become an agent and help protect Club Penguin. Will you take up the challenge?' click yes if you would like to click no if not. if you click yes an EPf phone will be added to the left of your screen and you can now enter the command center just click the water fall and a door appears.

How to become a Safety Expert

1. Which of these is safe to share online?
your jokes

2. Who should you tell if you experience something online that bothers you?
A parent, teacher, or guardian

3. To be safe, treat people the way you want to be treated.

4. It's ok to share your password with:
No one but your parents

5. It's always a good idea to talk to a parents before joining a social website.

6. When creating online profiles, choose names that…
Give no personal information

After you have answered the 6th questions congratulations! you have now earned your free safety hoodie!

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