Thursday, August 29, 2013

My penguin 1.1 complete walkthrough

As you guys know club penguin has updated there app with lots of new features I know it's a bit confusing but here is the complete walkthrough on how to get around
First find the app and open it up
Then if you haven't logged in yet it will be a blank screen so tap the blank screen and log in then you will come here as you can see on the left there is a little billboard with a penguin with a jetpack on it click it and you come to this
It's a Map of club penguin but the difference is its only the games there's to new games which is bean counter and jet pack boost 
To get to your igloo go back to the home screen and click the bottom right corner with the igloo icon
Then you arrive at your igloo as you can see I'm in 3D!!! They have updated the catalogs which new ones which includes clothing, furniture, martial arts, sports, and igloo design 
They have updated the furniture catalog with a new exclusive item
Which is the beach party igloo! You have update your igloo by press the edit igloo icon on the bottom right and it will still save to your club penguin account on the computer
Now if you go back to the homepage and click the map again
You can see an igloo icon that says 'igloo village' click it and you end up here
You can visit other people's igloos not just your friends the popular igloos is what gets e most visitors I clicked 'Kallik Eli's' igloo
And as you can see its really packed! Well guys hope this helped a bit I love the new update 

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